
Thank you for your interest in our school but tours and applications for enrollment are no longer available as our school will be closing permanently in June 2022.

If you are interested in consultation or contract services on the Reggio Approach, project-based learning and arts integration please email the owner/director at artsinthegarden@comcast.net

100 Languages of Children

The child is made of one hundred.
The child has
a hundred languages
a hundred hands
a hundred thoughts
a hundred ways of thinking
of playing, of speaking.

A hundred always a hundred
ways of listening
of marveling of loving
a hundred joys
for singing and understanding
a hundred worlds
to discover
a hundred worlds
to invent
a hundred worlds
to dream.

The child has
a hundred languages
(and a hundred hundred hundred more)

Excerpt from the poem by Loris Malaguzzi, founder of the Reggio Approach

Thank you for four wonderful years as a teacher at Arts. I still recall my first days teaching, the children, musical sounds in the garden. In these early days I knew I had found a magical place to learn and grow as a preschool teacher. I am so thankful for all the experiences I had during my time at Arts like creating documentation, displaying children’s project work, setting up beautiful provocations and so much more. I am sad to leave Arts,but know that it will thrive under your passion and leadership. I will miss you and the school so much.


Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the years of nurturing, adoration, delight and encouragement you and your incredible staff have bestowed on (our children) and on us. We will always cherish the time spent at Arts in the Garden. It’s been lively adventure full of fun, joy, awe and hard work! We love you very much.
