
We are inspired by the theories, philosophies and practices from the educators in Reggio Emilia, Italy. The Reggio Approach is a flexible and open canvas for creating ongoing curriculum influenced by the children’s interests and our local environment. 

The Reggio Approach is an aesthetic process that considers beauty and engaging materials at the center of our work. We enter this approach with curious and open minds ready to observe, reflect and respect children exactly where they are and where their curiosity and enthusiasm will take them. We provide the canvas for their blossoming ideas to explore the world, grapple with emotions and social connections and discover new possibilities.

Teachers lay the foundation to guide children along the journey that unfolds. We observe children closely, ask questions, listen for ideas, hypotheses and theories. We co-create small and long-term projects with the children by providing intriguing materials, watch for connections being made, hold discussions to uncover and entice broad thinking.

Cyrus (4) made his understandings about the California fires visible after our schools were closed due to unhealthy air quality levels. After a fire drill he explained through his drawing how fires burn houses, how to escape and who comes to help.

Illustration above by Zane (4) of our two leopard geckos. Observational and conceptual drawings are part of the culture at our school. Through our interactions with the geckos the children create journals with visual representations and narration promoting focus, attention to detail, self regulation, caring and respect for others.